Associate Membership

Benefits of joining

The Erie Area Council of Governments invites partner entities that assist in the betterment of our communities, to join us as Associate Members. Associate memberships are available to Authorities, School Districts, Chambers of Commerce, and other civic groups and organizations.

Benefits Include:

1. Participation in our Joint Bidding program.

  • Providing relief from the administrative duties of bidding products, materials and services.
  • Aggregating quantities achieves bulk pricing discounts for all participants.
  • Accessing COG vendor information and pricing.

2. Attend Quarterly Work Sessions to learn about issues and opportunities important to municipalities.

3. Speak to members of the COG annually at one of our regular meetings.

4. Learn with fellow members at our Workshop Training Series.

5. Enjoy our Annual Assembly and Reception.

2021 Associate Membership dues are $1000. Dues are set annually by the General Assembly. Membership renews automatically unless withdrawal is request in accordance with the By-Laws.

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